There are stories to be told.
Some stories only take an evening or a day - people connecting for a celebration or coming together to experience a performance, or an art installation - something new. Then there are stories that may take weeks or years to unfold, that tell of dedication and drive and vision. There are stories recounted to the camera by the people involved and those seen only in images from a distance. Some told in text, some told without comment. Those told in sound, in voices, with music or in silence. Some happen fast and crackle with energy, some unfurl more slowly and require more of your attention and time. Some are familiar but worthy of retelling and some are unique and unexpected. There are stories to be told that may change minds or hearts or history.
These are the stories I want to tell.
In todays world, the moving image is the foremost way to tell these stories. I strive to make quality, informative, compelling films for organisations, groups and individuals. I do this as a standalone filmmaker - writing, producing, directing, shooting and cutting as needed. Or as part of a bigger team as director, writer or cameraman, editor or photographer.
I have been making films for the last 15 years all over the UK and Europe from my base in Milton Keynes. Surrounded by family and community that drive and inspire me.